A stitch in time
New fashion class brings creativity and learning
Mrs. Greisinger in her classrom promoting her new fashion class and showing off her fabulous creations. She made the bag she’s holding. It really shows her Pirate spirit!
Nov 7, 2016
Mrs. Judith Greisinger’s new fashion class is now available and in full effect in for students who have been looking to take a fun and creative course.
This class has been in the making since last school year. Mrs. Greisinger, who is in the midst of her second year at WCHS, has been teaching fashion classes ever since her Wisconsin days (where she previously taught two levels of fashion) and now she’s brought it right here to WCHS. This class will teach students how to correctly use a sewing machine, how to read and make patterns and also includes some interior design. Mrs. Greisinger recommends the class to creative and artistic boys and girls who like to do hands on projects.
Already at the end of first quarter, students have formed a love for this semester-long class. “It’s so fun and informative,” said junior Trinity Heath student. “I love it!” Heath said she loves every aspect of the class, but it’s learning how to use the sewing machine that’s her favorite part. WCHS got new sewing machines just for this class.
Mrs. Greisinger was ecstatic when WCHS offered her the chance to bring a new and innovative class to our school. She enjoys fashion in general and enjoys it with students even more. She’s even starting up a sewing club to keep the fun going after school! “The sewing club will be happening next year, however, it’s only for students who have taken the class.”
So head on down to your counselor’s office, and see about signing up! Mrs. Greisinger would love to have you.