Give Blood, Give Life


Jayla Pruitt-Switzer gives blood at last year’s Blood Drive.

Noah Martin

According to the American Red Cross, approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the US.

The students of WCHS have the opportunity on Thursday, Dec. 13,  to contribute to the daily need for blood donors in our country. Student Council is hosting the annual blood drive and they are hoping to have a great turnout this year.

Students interested in donating blood must be in good health and feeling well, they must be 17 or 16 with consent from a parent or guardian, must weigh at least 110 pounds, and can not have donated blood within the last 56 days.

For those who do not know how blood donation works, the nurses will sit a donor down on the bed and hook them up to the machine. They will find a vein to draw blood from and then they insert a needle into the arm. The process usually takes around 8-10 minutes but times can vary, some people take longer, some take a shorter amount of time. Once a pint of blood has been collected, the nurse will remove the needle and wrap a bandage on your arm.

While donating blood for the first time can be nerve-racking, it is entirely safe and very beneficial for the people you can save with your donation. Senior Caleb Harris said “Last year I was very nervous because I’ve always hated needles, but when I donated I hardly felt it. The people collecting blood are trained to make sure you will be okay. That ended up being the reason I donated a second time at Buckeye Boys State.”

Senior Bianca Adams gives blood at last year’s Blood Drive.

The blood drive serves as a way for students to give back to those in need and save lives. Harris said “I really encourage students to go out and donate because it really does make a huge impact. Your blood can be used to save lives and that’s huge. Tons of people need blood every day so it makes a huge difference.” His point is reinforced in the fact that a single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood, according to the American Red Cross. Car accidents happen every day which can put into perspective the need for blood donors.

According to Student Council advisor Ms. PJ Babb, the goal this year is 68 units. If a substantial amount of students contribute, we can do our part in helping those in need.

Whether you donate because your friend is donating; you believe it is the right thing to do; or you do it for the cookies and juice at the end; sign up to donate at the blood drive at all lunches!