Acadmeic Challenge Team
Mar 23, 2023
Did you know that West Carrollton has an academic challenge team? Academic challenge is a trivia game which covers various subjects. The team meets every Tuesday and the team travels to different schools for meets. It also counts as a sport so it can have a Varsity and JV team, but our high school only has one team. I got the opportunity to sit and talk to the entire team and their coach and ask them questions.
I first asked how long each person had been on the team and was surprised to learn that the entire team except for one person has been doing it for two years. The coach, Ms. Gordon had this to say “So this is my first year as a coach, but when I was in high school, back a really long time ago, I was the varsity captain of my team”.
With that I also got to ask about what to expect during a practice or a meet during the season. “You will be asking and answering questions. Our practices are essentially going through games.” A member of the team, Charlotte Sarah, had this to say as well: “We’re a small group, accepting with open arms and it’s just great. Be open to knowing stuff and doing research and know what you’re good at.” A second member, Kassidy Carter, continued on this idea “We’re asked a whole bunch of trivia questions with different rounds and rankings”.
The team’s season runs from December to February, with meets every other week on Tuesday. The team travels to various highschools from Tipp to Sydney and Stebbins. All the members are open to anyone who wants to come in and try it out to see how it works, whether it be on a practice day or on a day there’s a meet.