Celebration of Black History Month
Mar 23, 2023
Black history month was created in 1927 by Carter G. Woodson. This celebration of Black History was created to honor the African Americans along with the accomplishments of ending segregation throughout the past years. In 1947, Black History month went world-wide in taking part in celebrating the whole month of February. Many states honor the month with celebrations such as annual kick-offs which includes getting together as a whole community and celebrating the month. Schools world-wide take the whole month to celebrate by discussing the significance of what the African Americans have overcome. This includes slavery, the Civil Rights Act, and segregation. Teachers also discuss three very important African American males which are Martin Luther King Jr and Frederick Douglass, and Booker T, Washington. Martin Luther King was mostly known for his famous speech, “I Had A Dream’ which influenced many. Frederick Douglas was known for escaping slavery and advocating for social justice. Booker T, Washington was one of the most influential and, at times, controversial Black leaders of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Black history month should be celebrated everywhere. Overall, I think that West Carrollton High School needs to celebrate the month just as the rest of the world does. I think some individuals would feel more welcomed and excited about the month itself if we celebrated it more.