West Carrollton Saving Lives
Apr 24, 2023
Some say you might faint, but higher chances are that you will not. Except, you are donating in hopes of helping someone else’s life. Every year there are blood drives all over the United States. Here in West Carrollton the student council has been doing the blood drive for over twenty-three years.
There has not been a year that the blood drive has not been done. With the leadership of PJ Carlisle even through a pandemic, the student council at West Carrollton High School still put one on. It may have been outside in a truck, but it still was done. People who donate go through a process of meeting the set requirements. You have to be in good health to start with, need to be at least sixteen years old with parental consent, and must be at least a hundred and ten pounds. Lastly, you must not donate twice within a fifty-six-day period apart, meaning you could donate six times within a year. We have so many donations of blood every year. Even if it was not a full pint of blood taken it still is accounted for. Of course, temperature, BP, and iron levels can change your possibility of donating blood on the day of the appointment. There are always people who will get deferred, but it is great to see those who try. After the process the people who donated even get told where or who their blood gets donated over time, just like tracking a package. You get to see how directly you greatly impacted someone else’s life just by donating one pint of blood. Those in need thank the student council members for taking the time to run this event. It will always be a memory for those who choose to donate. You should donate somewhere near you today!