WCHS Remembers Mrs. Connie Sue Parsons
Photo provided by Mrs. Sercu.
Oct 8, 2015
Mrs. Connie Sue Parsons, known for making people smile, sharing fun memories, and being a giant part of the Pirate family sadly passed away from a short battle with cancer on June 18. “She always had a smile on her face, and always tried to help and get to know as many students as she could.” Mrs. Wendy Sercu, WCHS administrative assistant and good friend of Mrs. Parsons, said Mrs. Parsons “wanted the best for our school. Every day she walked in with a smile and we always laughed together. She wanted everybody to have a positive experience.”
Senior Shelby Jordan said, “She helped pay students’ school fees for the students that couldn’t afford it, she was always there for everyone.”
The school remembers her by dedicating the pirate ship, located on the side of the football field, by naming it the “Connie Sue”. The pirate ship was renamed in her honor on September 25.
“Everyone loved Connie, and I was no exception. She was my second mom and she made West Carrollton my home away from home,” senior Hannah Glowik stated.
The impact Connie made on this school was much appreciated by staff and students. We thank her for everything she did for us and this school. We wish her loved ones and the Pirate family of WCHS the best of wishes and our prayers.
Ra'Von Hampton • Oct 9, 2015 at 3:02 pm
Rip mrs.parsons, you were always kind hearted and sweet. You were a huge impact on wchs.