WCHS places 3rd in We the People
Feb 19, 2016
We the People was a great success this year! Ms. PJ Babb’s Honors Government classes traveled to the annual We the People Competition at the State House in Columbus on Friday, January 22 and took home third place in the competition.
Are you still unsure on exactly what the We the People competition is? Ms. Babb proudly stated “Students competed head to head presenting opening statements and answer questions during cross examination before a panel of 5 judges. [Judges] included attorneys, state representatives, professors, lobbyists and former Ohio Supreme Court Justices.”Photo provided by Ms. Babb
According to Ms. Babb, students testified in congressional hearings to express and illustrate their knowledge of constitutional principles to both historical and contemporary ideas and issues. All students did very well. Ms. Babb’s studious 7th period received the highest score out of WCHS. Sophomores Jacob Boyd, Bradley Sears and Shelby Wolf placed in third place in the state for this annual competition.
Ms. Babb’s students practiced and prepared for this competition rigorously. Participating in this competition is also a requirement for her Honors Government class. If you are interested in competing, do not hesitate to enroll in Government so you can participate in We the People for next year’s competition. Do not forget to congratulate all participants for their contributions!