Welcome to Gatsby’s, Old Sport

Autumn Luthman

Prom is coming up fast, there is less than one month left for juniors and seniors to prepare. On May 5, Prom will at the Dayton Masonic Temple from 8 p.m.-11 p.m. The theme was voted Party at Gatsby’s by the juniors on Prom Committee.

Prom tickets will be sold for $25.00 and all school fees and fines must be paid before you are eligible to purchase a ticket. Tickets will be sold from Thursday, April 13 – Wednesday May 3 during all lunches. The first 300 buyers will receive a prom favor. If you are bringing a date who is not a student from WCHS, you can pick up a guest form in the main office. The form must be completed before their ticket is purchased.

Ms. Baker
The theme choices this year were Enchanted Forest or Party at Gatsby’s and Gatsby won by a landslide. “I think [Prom Committee] liked the theme because some people can dress to the theme… and it’s a fun theme. People really like the 20s,” said first-year Prom adviser Ms. Rachel Baker. The colors for this year’s theme are black and gold.

The music and DJ will be different from Homecoming, this DJ has been at many school dances before. Some students recommended him. He is very excited about being our DJ and using the playlists students have put together.

If anyone needs earings, rings, or bracelets for Prom, Mrs. Leslie Parsons in the 200s office is giving them out for free. She’ll be giving these out until they run out, so hurry and get some now.