We Aren’t The People

Noah Martin, Staff Writer

West Carrollton City Schools: Closed. The students of Ms. PJ Babb’s We The People (WTP) class had to miss their Feb. 1 statewide competition due to the weather. The night before the competition, snow fell across the great state of Ohio; Thus preventing all but three schools from attending the annual event. According to Ms. Babb, competition organizers have rescheduled the competition for April 1.

The students who participate in WTP are broken up into six groups (one for each of the six units learned throughout the year) and each group must prepare three statements based on which unit they are assigned. They memorize their statements for when the judges ask two of their questions and they are judged for how well they do. At the end of the competition, the judges ask questions based on students’ statements to test their knowledge on the topics.  

As most would be, sophomore Grace Blakeley was upset that they would not be able to attend the competition. She said “At first I was really upset because we spent so much time prepping for it and it was kind of a let down.” Many students, especially those who have participated in the class previously, share the competitor’s feelings of frustration since WTP is a one-of-a-kind experience.

All is not doom and gloom however, preparations are tentatively being continued with the competition now set for April 1, Ms. Babb’s class continues to prepare for competition. Blakeley said “We alternate between spending days practicing in the community room and spending days in the classroom working on the work we’d typically do after the competition.” Even with the small bump in the road, the class is still working hard.

Sophomore Shundrick Parker took the news much harder, “ I was at first really mad and then I cried it was just a mix of emotions I truly couldn’t handle.” Parker said he is still motivated to do the best he can with cards he’s been dealt.

Even with the delay, the class has taken this road bump in stride and will be ready by April 1 to turn it back on and show they are truly constitutional scholars. If you see a WTP student, wish them luck!