Something is happening in Ohio that hasn’t happened since 1806. We are having a total solar eclipse. The eclipse is supposed to happen at approximately 3:06 to 3:08 pm on April 8th, 2024. A total eclipse is when the moon completely covers the sun so it will be completely dark for about three to four minutes. Dayton, Ohio is going to be a popular destination for tourists because we are in the line of totality. This means we will have one of the best views of this eclipse.
People who plan to watch the eclipse must wear protective glasses or risk severe eye damage that could possibly lead to blindness. Sunglasses are not enough because they are not dark enough to protect eyes from the strong rays of the solar eclipse. People can get solar eclipse glasses from a website called Rainbow Symphony or locally at places like Sunglass Hut, Target Optical, and Plumwood Optical Boutique. There are free glasses for the solar eclipse given out nationwide. Another option is to film it through your phone which will work as a sort of filter.
A lot of schools are using a calamity day because the eclipse happens close to the time of dismissal. Some of the schools that have already been canceled are West Carrollton High School, Xenia Community School, Fairborn City Schools, Miamisburg City Schools, Middletown City School District, and Springfield City Schools and there are probably many more to come. Districts want to be able to protect the kids. Looking out for the safety of kids and adults is the district’s priority. Plus it gives families time to get the glasses that they need and possibly plan to watch the historical eclipse together.