Teens And Driving: Why You Should be Concerned

Holden Brubaker, Guest Writer

It’s long been known that teen drivers are the most “at risk” group among all drivers. But why is that? Obviously teen impulses and poor decision-making are in the ring. But in recent years, cell phones, specifically texting and driving, have been a big contender. 

According to Teen Driver Source, published by the Childrenś Hospital of Philadelphia, crashes involving cell phones accounted for 2,841 deaths in 2018. 

In 2018 Market Watch published an article that showed texting and driving tends to happen more in adults; however it is very near in teens, who are less likely to be as competent at driving, being novices. According to the survey, 49 percent of adults text and drive, compared to 43 percent of teens. However, teens are involved in more accidents involving texting and driving. 

According to a poll done by AAA, noted on Edgarsnyder.com, 94% of teens know the risks of texting and driving, and yet 35% have admitted to doing it. Teens are new to driving, and yet still are keen to take risks. 

This puts a toll on themselves, and their family. In the survey done in West Carrollton’s high school, about 15% of respondents said they have texted and drove (of all students who are able to drive) and about 16% of all students in general have been involved in scary situations or a wreck due to driving. This is a big problem. What makes this scarier, is  that Edgarsnyder.com shows that teens are 4x more likely to be in a wreck than adults. This makes the demographic a highly dangerous part of society, especially with texting being so ubiquitous as it is. Despite how prevalent texting and driving is among all drivers, ultimately, texting and driving is unanimously noted by drivers as being worthy of being banned. In one poll, 94% of all drivers agree that texting and driving should be illegal. 

What are other ways we can help keep teen drivers from texting on the road? Parents, try not to text or call your child while they are driving. Try to text or call them before they start driving and after they get where they are going to avoid causing unnecessary distractions. Also drivers: most phones have Do Not Disturb modes on them, try to use them, and possibly an app that gives an automatic response when it detects you are driving, to alert other texters. Stay alert on the road, and Don’t be caught in the statistics.