Solo and Ensemble Contests is an event that takes place around the country for students or a small group of musicians for a performance. Students have the option to participate as an ensemble or as a solo act as well as picking their music. They practice after school hours with a teacher helping them. On the day of the event, they will play in front of a judge and have their performance ranked. The scoring will be from 1 to 5, 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest. Judges will give feedback on each performance and see stuff you might end up improving on. Solo and Ensemble can be for Orchestra, Band, and Choir. There are multiple different levels of music that they can choose from the OMEA website. Depending on how the students did in their solos or ensembles they will get metals with their ranking on them and a piece of paper stating how they did.
West Carrollton High School’s Band, Orchestra, and Choir all performed at Vandalia Butler High School for OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contests. WCHS Orchestra were all getting superior rankings, with many soloists getting 1s on their performances. The band had a wide variety of performances with all different kinds of ensembles. Meagan a flute player, played in a woodwind quartet, she said that the group did insanely. The group scored a 2 on their piece. The Choir also had a wide amount of people compete at the event. Our school requires our advanced choir class to compete in Solo and Ensemble. Choir member Aiden Preston says he thinks they did well for his group. His chamber choir group decided to use their music so the group didn’t get a rating, wanting to get responses on how to improve.
These students practice either in groups or individually. The soloist has the option to practice with a piano accompaniment to help them along with understanding their piece. West Carrollton students practice mostly in the rooms where their normal classes are.