2019 District Art Show: Cancelled

Abrielle Medcalf, Staff writer

Every year, the district-wide art show is held in the high school cafeteria. Students’ artwork from every school in the West Carrollton City Schools District is displayed so the community can view and support the students’ hard work and talent. But due to some unexpected circumstances, all of that is going to change. This year’s district art show is cancelled!

Art teachers Mr. Matthew Reynolds and Ms. Brittany Bell are currently working on finding a date, time, and place to hold a high school art show so the community can enjoy the artwork of the many talented and hard-working students here at WCHS.

Unfortunately, the weekend of the Art Show Mr. Reynolds will be in Florida graduating from Jacksonville University to receive his masters degree in Fine Arts. Ms. Bell and art teacher Mrs. Heather Pinto have important family obligations on weekend of the 27. Instead of cancelling the art show completely, they have decided to host a high school art show instead of a district-wide show.

The details are not finalized yet, but Mr. Reynolds said student work will most likely be displayed in the auditorium lobby or library and will be open during lunch and after school hours for an entire week. The after school time is not set yet, but Mr. Reynolds and Ms. Bell will make sure friends and family will be able to come and support the students and their hard work.

I personally love the art show because it gives me the opportunity to see how talented and hardworking my classmates are and to show people what I am capable of creating.

Mr. Reynolds explained the importance his of students’ work being displayed, saying “There are several reasons, self esteem, an experience/resume builder, and a lot of students help with the process of selecting and displaying the art show.”

Student artists feel a sense of pride when they see their work was selected to represent the art program here at WCHS. Senior artist Moniece Guerin said “I feel excited and happy about it, especially when my friends and family are there to see it.”